Blood from each victim streams back to the caster. The wretch explodes within moments bystanders in a large area are damaged.

A master of Thaumaturgy may cast Purge for a second time on an affected NPC, causing the blood in their veins to sear. slots enhance Purge, until it reaches its ultimate potential.A stream of blood flows back to the caster. Purge (Blood Cost: 3), the second active power, allows the vampire to make their victims vomit up blood, damaging them heavily.Once they dissolve, a stream of blood flows back to the caster. Skewer (Blood Cost: 3), the first active Thaumaturgy power, launches a small portion of the vampire’s Vitae at the feet of their enemies, where it erupts in a patch of razor-sharp spikes.Followers of the Path of Blood gain almost unparalleled destructive power. Few secrets are guarded more jealously by the Tremere than their signature Discipline: Blood sorcery.